View Full Version : [DR1] Estrella on education

06-26-2006, 03:10 PM
Manuel Estrella, the head of Acero Estrella and other companies, told his audience at the PUCMM in Santiago that 80% of employees in Santiago are employed by fewer than ten business leaders. Estrella was speaking during the seminar called "Business leaders of tomorrow" held at the PUCMM campus in Santiago. He said that because of the impulse provided by these few business leaders, Santiago is the development center for the rest of the Cibao Valley. The young engineer told the audience that the economic success of so many industries in Santiago has provided a better life for thousands of workers. He pointed out that when President Joaquin Balaguer built the first free trade zones, Santiago businessmen took advantage of the opportunity and have administered the project providing thousands of jobs for the people. Other free zones have not fared as well as Santiago. Estrella also cited the success of new business leaders and mentioned the Nacional Supermarket in Santiago is the most successful of all the stores in that chain.

Finally, Estrella told his audience that education is the only way for a person to break through the social and economic barriers to success. "Read" he said, "Read until you die." He reminded the group that together with education and reading, a work ethic is needed and recalled the sign that Diego de Moya put over the door of his office: "The best inheritance I can leave to my children is a work ethic and a place to work".

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