View Full Version : Margarita leads in the PLD

12-02-2009, 04:20 PM
First Lady Margarita Cedeno received 28% of public preference for running on the PLD ticket in the Gallup-Hoy poll. The poll was conducted between 16 November and Sunday 22 November, and 1,200 people of voting age resident in 31 provinces and the National District were surveyed.
Other options for presidential candidate for the ruling PLD party were former Minister of the Presidency Danilo Medina, who has practically disappeared from the political scene after not supporting Fernandez's bid for re-election in 2008. Former Vice President Jaime David Fernandez received only 6.1% of the vote. His image has been tarnished by his support for the construction of a cement plant on the perimeter of Los Haitises National Park. Vice President Rafael Alburquerque received a 2.6% preference and Interior & Police Minister Franklin Almeyda Rancier 1.2%. According to the Constitution, President Fernandez cannot run for re-election in 2012.
For the PRD, 62.1% say that party president and candidate, former minister of public works Miguel Vargas should run on the PRD ticket. Miguel Vargas was the runner-up candidate in the 2008 presidential election, losing to Fernandez.
Former district prosecutor Guillermo Moreno received 16.7% of the vote, while Eduardo Estrella, former candidate for the PRSC, received 11.4%.

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