View Full Version : Contest to choose the most corrupt?

12-02-2009, 04:20 PM
Will discussions of corruption and drug trafficking just become an argument about who was more corrupt and supportive of drug trafficking - the Mejia or Fernandez administration?
"Don't make me laugh," were the exact words quoted by journalist Adalberto de la Rosa, when he questioned Presidential drug advisor Vincho Castillo about the Gallup-Hoy poll on perceived corruption in the Leonel Fernandez administration and the Hipolito Mejia administration.
The Gallup poll revealed that more than half the population believes that corruption in government is on the rise, and that there is more corruption in this administration than there was during the Hipolito Mejia administration and impunity is commonplace. According to the poll, 64.4% think there is more corruption now compared to the previous administration. Interestingly enough, just four months ago this figure stood at just 47.6%.
Castillo was emphatic in saying that Mejia's administration had been the most corrupt in the DR's history and that leads into connections with drugs are still being investigated. Castillo pointed to the 2008 presidential elections, when Fernandez was elected for his second consecutive term, as the best poll out there. DR Prosecutor General, Radhames Jimenez Pena says the poll only represents public perception.

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