View Full Version : Words for border patrol

12-03-2009, 12:50 PM
Speaking in an interview on Radio France Internationale (RFI) President Leonel Fernandez spoke about the "rumors" that some in the international community would like to solve Haiti's problems by unifying the two countries. In his radio interview Fernandez said the proposal has never been made to him, but if it were made, "of course I would reject it."
Fernandez spoke on the continued need to strengthen controls along the Dominican/Haitian border, partly due to drug trafficking.
He added that the growing environmental problems in Haiti were affecting the DR.President Leonel Fernandez spoke of the need to strengthen the border with Haiti during his visit to France. The border is the scene of smuggling of people, drugs, weapons and other contraband, plus migration of Haitians who engage in deforestation practices to produce charcoal for cooking.
In the interview, Fernandez reportedly stressed the need to boost security along the Haitian-Dominican border for security reasons. When it comes to budget allocations, however, the Fernandez government does not back the President's intentions as stated in France.
In the Armed Forces Ministry chapter of the 2010 National Budget, more funds were allocated to patrolling the 14.2km stretch of the Santo Domingo Metro than to the 380kms of the border with Haiti. The government allocated RD$77 million to the Cesfront division of the Army in charge of border surveillance, compared to RD$105.8 million allocated to the Metro.

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