View Full Version : Health advances in southern hospitals

12-04-2009, 01:20 PM
The Ministry of Public Health (SESPAS) promises that RD$300 million will be spent over the next 90 days on renovating and re-equipping the Juan Pablo Pina Hospital in San Cristobal and Nuestra Senora de Regla Hospital in Bani, the two largest public hospitals in the southwestern region.
Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez told reporters that both major centers would be completely refurbished and re-equipped over the next four months. He also said that 130 primary care facilities and 10 other municipal hospitals would be included in the plan to provide better health care in the southern region of the country. According to Rojas Gomez, the government has spent more than one billion pesos on improving the physical infrastructure of the nation's health system.

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