View Full Version : Iris Perez Open Workshop

12-07-2009, 03:10 PM
An exhibition with a difference is opening in the Colonial Zone this Thursday, December 10. Dominican artist Iris Perez is exhibiting a series of her recent works, in a variety of media including drawing, painting, sculpture, objet trouve and ceramics. The central theme of this exhibition, "Hija del sol" (Daughter of the Sun) is peace. What is different about this event is that her studio and exhibition space are one and the same. "It is not an art gallery but an evolutionary laboratory of contemporary art", says Perez.
So when the exhibition opens next Tuesday, as well as the works on show, visitors can watch Iris creating an installation, "Flor de paz" (Flower of Peace), to be completed by 17 December, when it will be presented at a special event. The exhibition will remain open throughout the month of December.
The exhibition is dedicated to a fellow Dominican artist, Sasha de Lemos, who was recently diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment. Iris says: "I wanted to be able to transmit some energy to Sasha so that she could have enough strength to confront her illness. This is why this exhibition reflects the positive attitude that she and anyone in the same situation needs. I visualize myself at her age with all the hope of creating... and having to face a monster like cancer. I don't think I would have the same courage that she has displayed throughout the process".
Proceeds from the sales will go towards supporting the high costs of Sasha's treatment.
The evolutionary laboratory of contemporary art will be open throughout December and people can either go there directly or interact with it online.
A blog has been set up featuring all the works on show and with contact details for the de Lemos family in case anyone wishes to make a direct donation.
Iris Perez says: "The presentation of these works and the development of this experimental process in the laboratory, through this Daughter of the Sun project, is important in that it will be charged with energy, positive thinking and total hope. This is what our world needs so that we can overcome need, disease and all the ills affecting our society".
For more information, see: www.hijadelsoll.blogspot.com (http://www.hijadelsoll.blogspot.com)

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