View Full Version : The DR's deficit

12-08-2009, 03:30 PM
The DR has been accumulating a large trade deficit with the countries with which it has signed free trade agreements. Since 2006, the DR has imported US$19.84 billion in goods, but only exported US$16.15 billion, for a deficit of US$3.69 billion.
The DR has signed two main agreements since 2006: the DR-CAFTA with the US and 5 Central American nations, and the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), signed with the European Union and the members of Caricom.
Manuel Diez Cabral, president of the DR's Association of Industries (AIRD), says the DR must boost its productive sectors as well as its political will in order to solve this problem. As reported in Listin Diario, he said that Dominican companies have disadvantages such as high electricity, transportation and taxation costs compared to Central American competitors.

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