View Full Version : Brito stays in jail

12-10-2009, 04:50 PM
It looks as if Eddy Brito, former husband of escaped drug wife Sobeida Felix, will be staying in jail for the time being. Brito seems to be taking the fall for the disappearance of Felix and her drug trafficker partner Jose Figueroa. He had been released on bail, but after Felix Morel jumped her bail, his privilege was revoked. He is accused of money laundering.
Judges say that the charges against Brito are too serious to set him free and that he is a flight risk. No concrete leads on the whereabouts of Figueroa or Felix have been announced and the investigation, after many twists and turns, has come to a screeching halt. The media debate about the pair has now centered on whether Dominican officials in the previous administration personally knew Figueroa and whether they made special petitions to get him a cedula.
Brito's lawyer Luis Aybar had asked the court to revoke the prison order dated 18 November. Aybar presented the court with a certified copy of Brito and Felix Morel's recent divorce papers.

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