View Full Version : Shopping and crime prevention

12-11-2009, 01:20 PM
Employees of the larger government ministries and other institutions such as the Ministry of Education, Public Health and the Pensioners began receiving their Christmas checks today and on the 20th, 21st, and 23rd they will receive the normal salary for December, totaling approximately RD$5.5 billion.
Speaking yesterday, National Treasurer Guaroa Guzman reported that the government has been paying wages and salaries to government employees by electronic means in 99.5% of cases and only pensioners receive paper checks.
Meanwhile in Santiago, the country's second largest city, sales began to pick up and many businesses were crowded with customers, after the government and many private companies started paying out the Christmas salary.
The National Treasurer told reporters that most electronic transfers to government employees go through the Banco de Reservas (Banreservas).
Since yesterday, the government has put around RD$6.0 billion into circulation for the Christmas bonus (also called the 13th salary) for all state institutions that have made their payment instructions.
In Santiago, the main commercial arteries in the historic town center were filled with people shopping for all the usual items that are in demand during the Christmas season, including shoes, handbags and other personal items, many of which were purchased in department stores and other commercial outlets.
National Police chief Major General Rafael Guillermo Guzman Fermin has ordered his officers to be especially alert in commercial centers and banks in order to protect these places and the people who are beginning to collect their Christmas money. Guzman Fermin said that he had ordered an increase in patrols and direct supervision by high-ranking officers, including generals, for the surveillance of key areas.

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