View Full Version : Zelaya and Lobo to visit?

12-14-2009, 03:20 PM
Saturday's newspapers were full of praise for Dominican President Leonel Fernandez's diplomatic prowess and the effect that his efforts could have on breaking the political impasse in Honduras. However, deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya told reporters late Saturday night that he did not have any plans to open any dialogue with the recently elected Porfirio Lobo (Pepe) even if mediated by Dominican President Leonel Fernandez.
Zelaya, who is holed up in the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa, has not accepted the safe conduct terms offered by the Micheletti regime. Micheletti said that he would allow safe conduct to be given to Zelaya on the condition that Zelaya leave the country as a political exile.
Zelaya said that while he appreciated the Dominican President's efforts to find a solution to the Honduran crisis, he refused to leave his country as an exile.
A spokesperson for Lobo told reporters in Honduras that he did not have any plans to travel to the Dominican Republic over the weekend.
Speaking to reporters on Friday, Fernandez said that Zelaya and Lobo would be visiting the Dominican Republic this weekend and that he would hold separate meetings with both men before a meeting between all three, in an effort to establish a dialogue that could lead to a solution.
The Dominican government said that the political dialogue between Zelaya and Lobo has been backed by several countries in the region. Fernandez has spoken to a number of regional leaders with the aim of finding a viable way out for everyone, so that Honduras can reconcile its differences and go on working for the progress of all its citizens.

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