View Full Version : Cedula deadline expires Wednesday

12-14-2009, 03:20 PM
If you plan to vote in next May's elections, you must ensure you are registered. This Wednesday at 12 midnight is the deadline for 'cedula' renewal in order to be able to vote in the May elections.
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) Administrative Chamber says that the Civil Registry offices, the Cedula Centers and the Service Centers will work extra hours today, Monday, tomorrow Tuesday and Wednesday 16 December. Administrative Chamber president Roberto Rosario said that this measure fulfils Resolution 13-2009 made by the JCE on 16 September of 2009 that set the deadline for the registration of citizens on the voting rolls for the upcoming elections.
He said that the services include new registrations, changes of information that does not involve a change of residence and renewal of identity documents and former voter registration cards (Blue Cedulas).

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