View Full Version : A call for a budget for "Mipymes"

12-14-2009, 03:20 PM
The National Traders and Business Federation (Fenacerd) is asking the government to fulfill Law 488-08 on micro, small, and medium-sized businesses, known as "Mipymes", assigning the budget as required by law. The Mipymes Law establishes that no less than 0.4% of the total government budget needs to be allocated to this sector. The federation believes that the government is sending a negative message to the public when it should be promoting solutions. He reminded the authorities that small businesses generate a large percentage of the nation's GDP.
Fenacerd president Ricardo Rosario, who gave an interview to Hoy newspaper together with other members of the federation's board of directors, said that this year some RD$1.5 billion was distributed in the sector, but this was not enough.
Rosario stressed that Promipyme, the government agency that supports the sector, needs more funding to provide more financing to small businesses. The federation vice-president, Manuel Ortiz, said that when it comes to funding for the public institutions that deal with the micro-, small and medium business sector, there should be a chapter set aside for training, guidance and preparation in order to compete in the global marketplace.

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