View Full Version : [DR1] US$132.5 million to fight crime

06-27-2006, 03:11 PM
The Executive Branch sent to the Senate a purchase agreement whereby it would buy US$132.4 million in equipment to fight crime. The Ministry of Interior and Police would sign the agreement with The Sun Land Group LLC, a company that does not appear in google.com nor is known in the DR. The private funding for the US export was secured by the Florida Export Finance Corporation. The FEFC is a member of the City/State program of the Export-Import Bank of the government of the United States and offers Florida exporters access to US Government export assistance programs offered by the Ex-Im Bank and the SBA. The loan calls for an interest rate of Libor+1%, that would be paid in eight years.

The Ministry of Interior and Police has made headlines for its multiple purchases of Harley Davidson motorcycles for its anti-crime programs in slum areas.

A tender was not held for the purchase of the equipment. The implementation of DR-CAFTA would impede the country from taking on loans such as this one that are available due to the support of a US government export agency without the holding of a tender.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)