View Full Version : [DR1] Penal Code modified

06-28-2006, 03:10 PM
After declaring the legislative proposal urgent, the Senate has approved changes to the national penal code. Senator Jose Tomas Perez (PLD-National District) wrote the bill proposing the changes. The Penal Code law (76-02) was modified in several ways. Article 8 of the code was changed to include preventive custody for offenders accused of homicide, murder, aggravated assault, unlawful criminal association, kidnapping, rape, parricide, infanticide, and poisoning in such cases where the accused have previously been accused of these violations. The modifications also include the restoration of the 48-hour timeframe for people being held without charges to be accused and placed before a magistrate. The last modification allows the police to arrest a person without a judge's warrant in such cases as when the person is caught in the act, or immediately thereafter or while that person is being pursued by the police.

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