View Full Version : ANJE criticizes 2010 budget

12-28-2009, 07:20 PM
The new directors of the National Young Entrepreneurs Association (ANJE) criticized the 2010 budget during the Economic Encounter at the Corripio Group breakfast meeting. The association, now led by Miguel Roig, was critical of the funds assigned to the Presidency and to Public Works. They were negative about the deficit contained in the budget and the lack of major funding for Education and Public Health, and they called for more clarity on the explicit use of the funds, especially during an election cycle.
ANJE executive secretary Biviana Rivero questioned the government's priorities and said that "really, if the country does not invest in education, there can be no development..." Miguel Roig pointed out that the issue of citizen safety was not particularly assisted with the 1% increase in the National Police budget or the 7% increase in the military budget. Eugene Rault Grullon, a member of the new ANJE board of directors, pointed to what he described as "contradictions" in the budget. He said that the government's plans are not clearly indicated in the budget, and gave as an example the proposed salary increase for state sector doctors, which is not itemized in the budget.

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