View Full Version : A Christmas miracle

12-28-2009, 07:20 PM
A Dominican construction worker in New York miraculously saved his life and was able to say Merry Christmas to his family. Jose Paulino plummeted 16 floors on Christmas Eve after a scaffolding plank snapped beneath his feet. He survived when the fall was broken by the scaffolding 8 floors below. The accident occurred at 580 Eighth Avenue, where Paulino was part of a work crew that was dismantling the scaffolding after repairing the facade. 29-year old Paulino lives in The Bronx. He broke 4 ribs and injured his neck, shoulder and leg, but his doctors were sending him home on Monday, 28 December.
www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2009/12/26/2009-12-26... (http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2009/12/26/2009-12-26_im_lucky_to_be_alive_after_falling_8_stories_worker_celebrates_christmas_in_hosp.html)

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