View Full Version : Former army man on the license plate

12-29-2009, 03:50 PM
Former Army major Bienvenido Antonio Savinon Aybar has a document to prove that he reported the theft of a license plate assigned to him by the Army. He said the plate was stolen on 18 November or thereabouts, when he reported this to the Police. Local press reports, nevertheless, point out it is not clear why he had an Army plate when he had been removed from the force in 2005.
Diario Libre reports that Army chief Major General Joaquin Perez Felix has evaded reporters' questions on why Army license plate OE00234 was in the vehicle that had transported Gonzalez Gonzalez's murderers. "When I have the results of the investigation into why that plate had not been retrieved, it will be revealed once the commission appointed by the Army concludes its work," he said. The plate had been assigned to the former army major. Savinon visited the Police to tell his version accompanied by Army legal consultant Colonel Miguel Antonio Matos. He was questioned for several hours by the chief of Homicides of the Police, the deputy director of the department and a deputy prosecutor.

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