View Full Version : [DR1] Santiago technological job fair

06-29-2006, 03:10 PM
Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), the Center for Export and Investment of the DR, the Ministry of Labor and the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (INDOTEL), opened the first technological job fair in Santiago yesterday, with the aim of hiring some 2,500 people in a range of fields, as reported by El Caribe. According to Pedro Julio Zapata, Labor Deputy Minister, the fair is part of the government's mission to promote the values of service and labor effort in the new generation. He said companies are looking for employees over 18 years of age, fluent in English and Spanish, professionals or nearly completing college in fields related to finance, medicine, law and technology.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#14)