View Full Version : [DR1] Margarita Ruiz Gomez gets RD$400m contract

06-29-2006, 03:10 PM
Decorator and landscaper Margarita Ruiz Gomez has won another juicy government contract. Diario Libre reports that she was awarded a contract for RD$416 million to carry out the landscaping of the new Santiago municipal park. Ruiz carried out several landscaping projects during the previous Fernandez administration that had to be redone or are totally inexistent, such as work carried out along the 27 de Febrero Avenue. But the case that gave her most headlines had to do with the super luxurious furnishings she was entrusted with for the new Supreme Court of Justice building. The furnishing contract was so controversial that it led to the demise of a deputy minister of Public Works, although nothing more came of this free hand in spending of taxpayer money.

Diario Libre reports that her company, Interiores y Patios Margarita, S.A. was the only company to bid for the landscaping contract and thus won the contract in the Public Works contest. Ruiz Gomez paid RD$300,000 to participate in the raffle and was the only contractor to do so. The newspaper reports that the landscaping for the park will be more expensive than the contract she was handpicked for to furnish the Supreme Court - at a cost of RD$206 million. In 2002 the Santiago Park project had a budget of RD$1.2 billion. It is going up on the site of the old Santiago International Airport.

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