View Full Version : US complicity with Figueroa Agosto

01-06-2010, 04:20 PM
Presidential narcotics advisor Marino Vinicio Castillo commented yesterday on complicity in the DR and the US (Puerto Rico) that allowed fugitive drug trafficker Jose Figueroa Agosto to freely run his business in the DR. Figueroa came to the DR escaping from the Rio Piedras jail in Puerto Rico where he was serving a 209-year jail sentence. As reported in El Dia and the government CIG webpage, Castillo said that Figueroa came to the DR in 1999, and was arrested on 6 September 2001 when he was using a false Dominican identity in the name of Felipe Rodriguez de la Rosa. He was released from jail in the DR on 23 September, 3 days before an extradition request arrived from the US. Castillo said the extradition was requested with the false Dominican identity replacing Felipe Rodriguez de la Rosa, for Felipe Eduardo Gerardo Rodriguez, according to note 172, and the next day, note 175 of the US Embassy revoked the request.
Castillo said that the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) knew since 2001 that Figueroa Agosto was operating a drug network in the country. He told El Dia that sometimes the DEA lets some drug barons go in order to catch others.
As reported by the CIG, he said: "The US Embassy knew already, because 3 days after note 175, fingerprint evidence arrived that proved the arrested man was not Felipe Rodriguez, but rather Jose David Figueroa Agosto.
Castillo said that Figueroa Agosto from 2001 to 2007, purchased properties in La Romana, Santo Domingo, Puerto Plata, went to restaurants, and openly took part in social events."
He said that in 2007 a request for the deportation of the undesirable foreigner was made following dispositions in the Constitution and this was filed on 12 November, and by 21 that month the president of the National Drug Control Department (DNCD) obtained presidential authorization to deport Figueroa Agosto, at the US Embassy's request. "What happened? Nothing! Limbo!"
"What happened there if all had been approved? Why did the Dominican and US interests disappear?" are the questions Castillo says need to be answered.
He also said that while living in the DR, Figueroa Agosto was allowed to return to Puerto Rico to attend his mother's funeral.
As reported in today's El Dia, he said Figueroa enjoyed an ambassador's collaboration for his activities in the DR and Puerto Rico. He said that the US authorities, "and especially with the change of administration in the US", could be interested in Figueroa.
As reported in Diario Libre, Castillo said that Figueroa had ties and broad-based contacts, and even frequented places that were visited by the former US ambassador in the DR, Puerto Rican Hans Hertell. He said that Hertell and Figueroa attended the same social activities on a number of occasions.
Castillo told El Dia that Jose Figueroa Agosto was able to extend his impunity within government "beyond the generals." El Dia reports that Figueroa Agosto had 6 permits to carry arms, 4 from the Ministry of Interior and Police and 2 from the Ministry of the Armed Forces. At the moment of his arrest, the drug baron had a card identifying himself as a member of the National Department for Investigations.
Since 2001, the accused was protected by people with ties to the former government and these relations have continued to the present day," he said, as reported in Diario Libre.

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