View Full Version : DR nativity wins award

01-08-2010, 01:20 PM
Local crafts group the Santos de Palo de Bonao has won an award in the artistic category for its nativity scene at the 34th International Exhibition "100 Presepi" that took place in the Basilica de Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome. The scene was created by artisan Roosevelt Mendez. The exhibit, which was open 27 November through 6 January, was sponsored by the Italian Senate, Chamber of Deputies, Council of Ministers of the Presidency, Culture Ministry, Lazio Region, Province of Rome and Mayor of Rome. The Dominican Embassy of the Vatican coordinated the group's participation, together with the Ministry of Culture.
Upon awarding the prize, exhibition director Maricarla Menaglia said that the nativity scene "knew how to represent the Nativity and the warmth and feelings of the most authentic and genuine spirit of the story."

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