View Full Version : [DR1] Cardinal celebrates 15th anniversary

06-30-2006, 03:11 PM
Cardinal Nicolas Lopez Rodriguez has celebrated his 15th anniversary as Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church as well as the 45th anniversary of his ordination into the priesthood during a Mass at Divina Providencia Parish in Arroyo Hondo. He called on parishioners to pray for an end to the wave of violence affecting the country and hailed the appointment of Torcisio Bertone as the new Vatican Secretary of State by Pope Benedict XVI. Cardinal Bertone is developing a project in the DR to benefit poor people in the Los Guaricanos area, according to a report in Diario Libre.

El Caribe reports that the leader of the Roman Catholic Church is calling for harsh punishments for the men who murdered their wives in separate cases recently. He also criticized outgoing United States Agency for International Development Director Elena Brineman for having waited until the end of her term to talk about corruption in this country, something he believes should have been done earlier, not when she is about to leave. "Now, let her go in peace," said Lopez. The Catholic prelate also favors broad consultation for the reform of the constitution. "That way people will have the right to express themselves and say what kind of country we want," he added.

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