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06-30-2006, 03:11 PM
The Dominican Republic is seen as a potential access point for South Korean companies to advance into the United States in line with the ongoing Seoul-Washington talks on their free trade pact, President Leonel Fernandez announced during his visit to Seoul. "I think we can triangulate our relationship, as the Dominican Republic can serve as a springboard for (South Korean) exports targeted at the eastern seaboard of the United States," Fernandez said in a press conference at the Korea Press Center, hosted by the association of foreign correspondents, as reported in the Korea Times.

Referring to the current Korea-US free trade agreement negotiations, Fernandez said that the DR-CAFTA agreement, which has already been signed but is still pending implementation, could be of help to South Korea. "We learned that the Republic of Korea is going through a process of Free Trade negotiations with the US," he said. "We have a strategic geographic location in that we are very close to the US. We established a Free Trade Agreement with the US in 2004, known as DR-CAFTA."

President Fernandez and President Roh Moo-hyun earlier discussed ways to enhance cooperation in the fields of information and technology (IT) and education during their summit meeting. According to the Korea Times, President Fernandez expressed a keen interest in the "e-government" system in place in Korea that is aimed at facilitating government business through state-of-the-art information-technology.

"South Korea has been very successful in the application of its e-government. The Dominican Republic is at an early stage,'' said Fernandez. "So there is an agreement in collaboration for the establishment of e-government in the Dominican Republic between the two countries." Fernandez said that he wants to apply the South Korean e-government methods to his country's customs agency.

Earlier Fernandez had held a summit with President Roh Moo-hyun in which they discussed ways of promoting practical cooperation in the fields of economy, trade and technology. After the summit, the two sides signed documents, including pacts on the promotion and protection of investments and academic exchanges between universities from both countries. Fernandez also attended a luncheon meeting with South Korean business leaders and received an honorary doctorate from the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul.

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