View Full Version : 100+ Dominicans missing in Haiti

01-15-2010, 06:00 PM
Fears are growing for as many as 100 Dominicans who may have perished in the earthquake in Port-au-Prince, although the official toll, so far, is 5, as reported in Listin Diario. Of the victims, 4 were engineers working in Haiti with the Mera Munoz and Fondeur Construction Company that is building the Mirebalais-Port-au-Prince highway. The fifth person, identified only as "Domingo", died as he was being taken to the Dominican Embassy for assistance. Listin Diario says that between 500 and 600 Dominicans live in Port-au-Prince, but only a tiny minority lives in Petionville, a comfortable residential area. Many live in areas known as Carrefour, Delmas, Bourdon and Canape Vert, areas that were mostly destroyed by the quake.
Gloria Perez Guzman, a Dominican who has lived in Haiti for 22 years, told reporters that she knew of "some ten brothels in the capital and only one, in Martissant, is still standing." According to Perez, many Dominican women work in hair salons, in commercial companies or in private businesses under contract. Ambassador Ruben Silie said that dozens of people were turning up at the DR embassy in search of news and assistance.
To follow the quake from a Dominican perspective, see http://www.dr1.com/forums/haiti-earthquake/... (http://www.dr1.com/forums/haiti-earthquake/99565-earthquake-7-0-magnitude-haiti.html)

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