View Full Version : UN to purchase Dominican products

01-15-2010, 06:00 PM
Representatives of more than ten large, medium and small companies in the DR will begin to sell their products to the United Nations (UN) and to agencies providing humanitarian aid, for these products to be distributed in Haiti.
In a meeting held at the Dominican Republic Center for Exports and Investment (CEI-RD), representatives from companies including Mercasid, Cemex Dominicana, FERSAN, La Nacional, Molinos Modernos, Plastifar, Duralon and Vitaset, reported that they were already providing international aid agencies with quotes, for them to purchase the products in the DR and supply Haiti with guarantees from international organizations. Dominican exports to Haiti totaled US$700 million at the end of 2009, making Haiti the DR's second largest trading partner after the United States, and it was expected that trade will reach US$1 billion by 2012.
The Dominican Republic exports more than 850 products to Haiti and 13 bi-national markets are held on several days of the week along the frontier. Dominican products sold in Haiti include re-bar, cement, wheat flour, black beans, soap powder, tin roofing (zinc), cardboard boxes, textiles, steel, fertilizers, dry coconut, soaps, poultry, eggs, and rum. Dominican businesses such as Grupo M and the builders Mera, Munoz and Fondeur and Acero Estrella also operate in Haiti.
According to CEI-RD director Eddy Martinez, the local businesses that will be selling to the international agencies were selected by the of the United Nations International Trade Center in cooperation with the Inter-American Development Bank because their products meet the standards required for distribution in countries that suffer disasters of this type.

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