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View Full Version : TV marathons net RD$66 M

01-18-2010, 03:30 PM
Fifteen television channels, 50 radio stations and local channels that transmit via the Internet joined in a television marathon to help the people of Haiti over the weekend. The appeal has already collected more than RD$54.9 million.
Prominent TV, sports, music, political and business figures took part in the radio and television marathon organized by the Conference of Dominican Bishops and the "Sur Futuro" and "Que viva el pais" Foundations. From the Colorvision studios, Haitian ambassador in the DR Fritz Cineas, clearly moved by the displays of solidarity, thanked the Dominican public and said that his people "would never forget the generosity and compassion of the Dominican people" at this difficult time.
Starting at noon, 27 telephone lines (15 from Codetel and 12 from Tricom) were allocated for the radio and television marathon. Two bank accounts were set up to accept donations in dollars and pesos. Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez made an appearance to appeal to the solidarity of the Dominican people.
A TV marathon organized in Santiago, collected an additional RD$11 million for Haiti over the weekend.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#2)