View Full Version : Police chief condemns killers' release

01-18-2010, 03:30 PM
National Police Chief Major General Rafael Guillermo Guzman Fermin has condemned the decision to release 8 criminals, including accused mastermind Miguel Alfonseca Soto, the son of a PLD deputy, who were implicated in 12 murders. The men were released by Santo Domingo province Third Chamber of Instruction judge Rene del Rosario, who was said to have thrown away the hard investigative work done by the Police. The police commander reminded reporters that police investigators had risked their lives to disband the gang that was dedicated to carrying out hired killings in the country. Guzman Fermin told reporters, "I respect the decision of the judges, headed by Jorge Subero Isa, but I condemn the decision of this substitute judge who has thrown everything away, who should have thought of the families of the 5 young men who were murdered". He made this statement as he left Sunday Mass at Police Headquarters. He said there were no words to describe what the Police were thinking when they see a judge releasing a criminal they have been tracking for 3 months. The released detainees had been accused of the murders of 4 people whose bodies were found at Km29 of the Duarte Highway.

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