View Full Version : Judge frees accused in murder case

01-18-2010, 03:30 PM
National District Permanent Attention judge Jose Alejandro Vargas has ordered the release of Pedro Alejandro Castillo Paniagua, one of the accused of murdering Spaniard Adolfo Justo Cervantes Arellano (Waikiki). The magistrate took the decision during a Habeas Corpus writ hearing filed by lawyers Freddy Castillo and Ruddy Polanco who argued that their client was being held illegally, without a written order signed by a competent authority.
Castillo Paniagua was arrested after a warrant was issued by the Collegiate Tribunal of the Penal Chamber of the Court of the First Instance of San Cristobal. The lawyers alleged that what the tribunal had ordered was special custody for the accused, during the hearing that was held the 15th of January in which the Prosecutor was released from the case.

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