View Full Version : Proposal to rebuild Haiti

01-19-2010, 04:00 PM
At the preparatory summit meeting held in Santo Domingo yesterday, the message was that relief is essential, but that the current situation should serve as a wake-up call to the world that Haiti needs the support of the international community in order to move out of extreme poverty. President Leonel Fernandez said that when the tragedy is no longer headline news, Haiti should not be forgotten again.
"We are here, President Rene Preval, with the support of the international community to help you, the government of Haiti, the people of Haiti, overcome the historic wrongs and so that you can fully join modernization, progress, welfare and what comes with a spirit of dignity for a people such as yours in this 21st Century," President Fernandez told those in attendance.
Representatives from 13 countries and 6 international organizations met at the Presidential Palace for the "United for a Better Future for Haiti" pre-Summit convened by President Leonel Fernandez for his Haitian counterpart Rene Preval. The focus was on coordinating aid, but there was also serious talk of the long term.
A Permanent Coordinating Working Committee for the Development of Haiti, with the support of the European Union, multilateral organizations, the US, Canada and Caricom was proposed to coordinate efforts to find definitive solutions to the long-standing problems in Haiti now magnified by the earthquake that devastated the capital Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas on 12 January. Members of the committee are Haiti, the DR, Caricom, the UN, Mexico, the European Union, the Organization of American States (OAS), the Rio Group, the US, Canada, Brazil, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank.
Spain's deputy Prime Minister Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega represented the European Union. For the Caribbean Community (Caricom), Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit of Dominica, Caricom Secretary General Edwin Carrington, Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Patrick Manning and Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding traveled to Santo Domingo for the summit. Canada's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Peter Kent represented Canada. Mariano Fernandez and Arturo Valenzuela represented Chile. Rogelio Granguillhome Morfin, director of Mexico's Economic and International Cooperation Unit, represented his country at the meeting.
Also attending were representatives of the World Bank and the IDB, and Jose Miguel Insulza, secretary general of the OAS.
A follow-up meeting was convened for 25 January in Montreal. President Rene Preval suggested that another follow-up session take place in the DR in April, and a summit in the Spanish capital Madrid from 16-18 May, organized by the European Union and Latin America prior to implementing an action plan.
During the event, President Fernandez pressed for the need for a central force to coordinate the aid and logistical problems. He called for a long-term development vision, beyond immediate relief. This would require the drafting of a long-term strategic plan, with a contribution of US$10 billion over 5 years. President Fernandez proposed that debt payments with the Paris Club of the Caribbean and Latin America, including the DR, should be used for Haitian reconstruction. He estimated this would provide US$2 billion per year and US$10 billion in five years.
President Fernandez said that it was time that the international community restored the dignity of the Haitian people. He said that the entire world is indebted to Haiti because it was the first nation to abolish slavery in Latin America 205 years ago.
During the meeting President Preval stated: "Haiti is first responsibility of the Haitians," while expressing his appreciation for the aid and international support. He also expressed his gratitude to President Fernandez for the immediate relief aid and for hosting the conference.

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