View Full Version : US envoy Arturo Valenzuela on Haiti

01-20-2010, 12:30 PM
In an interview with Listin Diario in Santo Domingo, United States Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere affairs Arturo Valenzuela said that the US has a long-term commitment to Haiti's development, and that Haiti has become a priority for the US government. He said that the Obama administration also expects to include and favor the Dominican Republic in the strategy. He stressed that the international community is convinced that Haitians themselves have to take on a leadership role in the reconstruction of their country. Furthermore, he says, "We want to be partners in that strategy with the Dominican Republic... It is a strategy for Hispaniola." Valenzuela, who took office in November, was in the DR for the "United for a Better Future for Haiti" pre-Summit, convened by President Leonel Fernandez in Santo Domingo on Monday. He also accompanied Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her visit to Haiti. He expressed his praise for the role the DR has played in assisting Haiti since day one.
Valenzuela said that what is important is to create economic conditions, promote investment, including in human capital, and a coherent strategy that will contribute to improving the standard of living and strengthening governance and institutions in Haiti.

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