View Full Version : [DR1] Protests over latest gas hikes

07-03-2006, 03:10 PM
The price of gasoline soared over the weekend, hitting a new historic high for both premium and regular. Premium is now just ten cents of a peso short of RD$150 a gallon (about US$4.60). Diesel and propane gas also followed suit, hitting record highs. As reported in El Caribe, merchants, taxi drivers, ordinary drivers and housewives all rejected the price hikes and asked the government to look for alternatives to the higher petroleum prices. The hardest hit area was propane gas that is used for cooking and for fuel in the little "publicos" that carry people to and from work, saw a new price that passed the RD$45 peso barrier for the first time. A year ago, propane was RD$25 a gallon, and today it is RD$45.94, more than 80% higher. Merchants are warning that they would have to raise the prices of some of their products in order to compensate for the new cost of transporting goods and for providing electricity to their establishments, from beauty salons to supermarkets.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#8)