View Full Version : [DR1] More action, less talk on education

07-04-2006, 03:11 PM
The educational system in the DR needs less talk and more attention, says Dinorah Garcia Romero, coordinator of inter-institutional relations at the Centro Cultural Poveda, which works in training and research in the educational sector. She says that basic attention means well-trained teachers and bathrooms that work. She says that the school environment and infrastructure need to be improved, and that the violence that affects many schools must be tackled. In an interview with Hoy, she also spoke of the need to nurture a critical citizenry that may care for the school and its teachers. She says that more attention is needed for rural schools that are more lacking than their urban counterparts. She called for decentralization in the management of public education. Education has been making headlines after the outgoing USAID director Elena Brineman called for more attention to be focused on the quality of the sector, pointing out that a recent study showed that a child in fifth grade in a private school has the equivalent of schooling of a child in third grade in a public school.

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