View Full Version : [DR1] DR-CAFTA is good deal for government

07-04-2006, 03:11 PM
The lobbying for compensation taxes that went into effect at the start of January, with the argument that DR-CAFTA was to start on 1 January 2006, has produced upwards of RD$3.4 billion for the government from January to April, as reported in Listin Diario. The transitory tax that replaced the transitory tax of 13% produced another RD$5 billion for the government. The tax on imports was eliminated on 1 July 2006.

In the name of the compensation, Law 557-05 had established that ITBIS (VAT) coverage be extended to another 200 items, a luxury surcharge was implemented or increased on several items, and the tax on diesel sales was increased.

DR-CAFTA was to start on 1 January, but was postponed to 1 July, and now a new date has not been set. Already El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala have their treaties in effect.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)