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View Full Version : Cristals & Field Of Dreams

01-24-2010, 02:45 PM
Cristals the bar/strip club. Is it closer to Sosua/New Garden or Costambar/Blackbeards. I will be at both locations in March just wondering when I should visit, of course the cost of the cab will probably be the Difference.

Field of Dreams, what time of day is the best to visit to get a look at the chicas. Anyone ever just go there to visit and have a drink. Any barfines to pull a girl out of there to Sosua? Same question as above is it closer to Sosua or closer to Costambar?

01-24-2010, 11:39 PM
Cristals the bar/strip club. Is it closer to Sosua/New Garden or Costambar/Blackbeards. I will be at both locations in March just wondering when I should visit, of course the cost of the cab will probably be the difference.

It's somewhat nearer Blackbeards but considering the high prices charged by the Costambar taxi mafia there might not be much difference in the cab fare. Spending an evening in Cristals then taking out a chica is an expensive business so any relatively small difference in cab fare may not be the deciding factor.

Field of Dreams, what time of day is the best to visit to get a look at the chicas. Anyone ever just go there to visit and have a drink.
Best ratio of chicas to hombres is mid-afternoon, but for most chicas on premises, early evening. I have just spent an evening there watching American Football on their big screen. I like the place but I wouldn't waste a 30 peso publico fare just to go there and look at their selection of chicas, which is limited (about 8 yesterday evening) and very average. There were two last night I would be interested in fucking but I can find equal quality at half the price closer to home in Puerto Plata or an infinitely wider selection at the same price or less in Sosúa. The chicas there are intended for the convenience of guys staying there or those popping across from Playa Dorada for a quicky while their wives are having their hair done. I cannot see any sense in going there from either Blackbeards or Sosúa. I heard they have now instituted salidas (500 pesos?) or you can rent a room short-time and do a chica on site.

Yes, visitors are very welcome to drop in for a drink and/or a meal. Ask to be shown the rooms while you are there.

Any barfines to pull a girl out of there to Sosúa? Same question as above is it closer to Sosua or closer to Costambar?

Not getting at you in particular, Rookie44, but I am always exasperated by that sort of question.

Why do you guys insist on making life complicated and unnecessarily expensive for yourselves?

One of the main advantages of Field of Dreams is that it is cheap and easy to get into Sosúa and select a chica to take back from the large selection there. Or you could cheaply and easily get into Puerto Plata to take an expensive chica from Cristals or a cheap chica from one of the many clubs for Dominicans there. But why the fuck would anybody who was living in Sosúa want to take a chica from FoD to Sosúa?

We get this nonsense all the time:

"I am staying at Blackbeards. Could I take in a chica from Field of Dreams/Cristals/Sosúa and how much would it cost for the taxi?"

"I am staying at Field of Dreams. Could I take in a chica from Blackbeards/Cristals/Sosúa and how much would it cost for the taxi?"

"I am staying in Sosúa. Could I take back a chica from Blackbeards/Cristals/Field of Dreams and how much would it cost for the taxi?"


Field of Dreams is geographically closer to Costambar than Sosúa but in private taxi time and costs about equidistant. If you use the fast, cheap and frequent publicos then it is far easier to get to Sosúa than to Blackbeards.

01-25-2010, 08:04 AM

the reason so often you see the questions you mentioned below is kind of threefold

first, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

a lot of guys like the security blackbeards have, but would like to take a shot at going hunting and see what they can bag themselves. if they strike out, they know they can high tail for home (bb's) and pick something out to amuse them (remember, the grass is always greener)

lastly, mapping of the DR sucks. it is hard to find a good map that shows sosua, pop and costambar beach with the roads and highways and scaleable mileage. proof of that is how far sti airport is from pop. i saw once how many air miles it is, (30 or so?) but look how long it takes to drive. i am afraid the questions of how long, how many miles, and how much is cab fare is always going to be there. a lot shorter to just say 40 bucks or whatever it is

01-25-2010, 08:17 AM
Ok Weyland, now that you've told us that...tell us how you really feel.

04-06-2010, 04:19 PM
Since I am a new to the DR I have a few questions. If I am staying at Blackbeards and I want to go to Sousua and get with some of the "stars" posted like Angel, would it make sense to try and bring them back to Blackbeards or find a short term in Sousua.

04-06-2010, 05:12 PM
After 2 days at BB's u will get bored, and then it is that time u should be looking to stay in Sosua the rest of your trip!!!

04-06-2010, 05:20 PM
Since I am a new to the DR I have a few questions. If I am staying at Blackbeards and I want to go to Sousua and get with some of the "stars" posted like Angel, would it make sense to try and bring them back to Blackbeards or find a short term in Sousua.

All of that traveling would be a waste of time and car fare. Split your trip, or if you really want to experience Sosua, stay in Sosua! I'm biased though...after a day or two at BB's, I'd start getting claustrophobic.

04-06-2010, 09:53 PM
It's my first trip to the DR, I'm going with a group of guys, and I don't want to be anti social, but I want to make sure that I see the best of Sousua.

04-06-2010, 10:04 PM
Stay a couple nights at BB's..enjoy and get your feet wet with your boys...take a taxi or if they're driving to sosua to stay for another 2 nights...

It's a good hike back to BB's from Sosua even if you have a car, when you can spend that time chillin in sosua and have a girl and a drink by the time you got there..hah

Two days in BB's I feel is enough as well...being with some guys you know though you can probably get another night more just fine as well.

04-06-2010, 11:29 PM
It's my first trip to the DR, I'm going with a group of guys, and I don't want to be anti social, but I want to make sure that I see the best of Sousua.

Hmm, that would make for a nice thread.

The Best of Sosua...

-Rent a car (Budget or Europcar)

-Stay at the villas at residencial hispaniola (google it). If you have a large crew and don't want to rent multiple villas, try New Garden Hotel (noisy, fratboyish, but party central for mongers) or Sosua Bay Beach Club (beach view rooms, fairly decent rooms), or Terra Linda (best looking hotel, good pricing, not the best service in the world but reportedly doing much better).

-Drive or walk into town. The club you run smack into is Classico. That's ground zero. Up and down that street at night you'll find most of the evening action.

-During the mid afternoon, go to Passion. Fun, cute girls, cold beer, ok snack foods, all at reasonable (albeit slightly higher than market rate) prices. However, it's bulletproof. I've never had a bad time at Passion.

-Once during the trip, drive to Puerto Plata after 10 p.m., and once you've just gotten into town, ask a moto concho (bike taxi) to guide you to Cristal. All-star lineup, but can get pricey (100 bux for the chica plus drinks at NA club prices).

-At least once during the trip (preferably the first part), go to Big D's BBQ on Sosua beach. Hang out. Listen and learn. You can pick up an awful lot of good info while eating a half slab of what is easily the best BBQ in the DR.

-Try to do an excursion. I recommend the ATV tours through Mel's tour company. A lot of fun, you get to see areas of the island you never would otherwise, and it helps to give you a well-rounded experience (as well as legit photo opportunities).

Some additional advice:

If going with a large group, DO NOT let them turn you into the tour guide. It's a drag.

DO NOT put everything on one tab unless you've eaten with these guys before and you know they're cool paying what they owe.

DO NOT let anybody make you delay for hours on end while they get their shit together. Watching your wingman's back is one thing. Letting someone waste your valuable vacation time is something else entirely.

If everybody happens to be doing the same thing at the same time, cool. Otherwise, keep it down to small groups. It's way easier, especially if you have similar tastes in chicas. It's also more practical as restaurants don't do a very good job of cooking for 14 guys at once.

DO NOT go there without learning some basic Spanish. If you do, and your friends don't, DO NOT be everybody's interpreter. If you spend all your time translating, and none chica chasing, eventually your boy is gonna show up with the chica you had your eye on. Negotiating for someone to smash the chica you really wanted - not cool.

Finally, DO NOT be the full time banker, ombudsman, and overall fixer for your group. Everybody should pitch in, and I mean more than just money. After all, it's your vacation, too.

That's right. With the logistics associated with a large group of dudes, any problems associated with chicas are minute in comparison. DO NOT fall into that trap.

Ok, this post is way longer than I had in mind. Have fun!

04-07-2010, 06:48 AM
Ok, this post is way longer than I had in mind.
Once again husl2001 has gone to the trouble of posting a lot of excellent advice. The OP should be grateful to him.

(Do I detect a little bitterness from past experiences, though? :rolleyes:)

Once during the trip, drive to Puerto Plata after 10 p.m., and once you've just gotten into town, ask a moto concho (bike taxi) to guide you to Cristal. All-star lineup, but can get pricey (100 bux for the chica plus drinks at NA club prices).
I don't understand this bit. If you are driving yourself, why do you need the services of a motoconcho? There is always easy parking near Cristal. And Cristal is easy to find, just one turning off the main road once you get to the gyratory at the baseball stadium. See this post but read it backwards from the end:


Or if taking a publico from Sosúa to the baseball stadium it is only a five minute walk to Cristal.

04-07-2010, 08:49 AM
Once again husl2001 has gone to the trouble of posting a lot of excellent advice. The OP should be grateful to him.

(Do I detect a little bitterness from past experiences, though? :rolleyes:)

I don't understand this bit. If you are driving yourself, why do you need the services of a motoconcho? There is always easy parking near Cristal. And Cristal is easy to find, just one turning off the main road once you get to the gyratory at the baseball stadium. See this post but read it backwards from the end:


Or if taking a publico from Sosúa to the baseball stadium it is only a five minute walk to Cristal.


First off, thanks very much for the compliment. I appreciate it.

You are right, Cristal is very easy to find.

The reason for the moto advice is that I imagine a bunch of first timers (who by then will all likely be in "alpha male" mode) in a strange town at night with no map. Instead of poking about, hoping they didn't take the wrong street, 50 pesos to a moto will eliminate most all uncertainty and get them there safely and quickly.

04-07-2010, 12:09 PM
The reason for the moto advice is that I imagine a bunch of first timers (who by then will all likely be in "alpha male" mode) in a strange town at night with no map. Instead of poking about, hoping they didn't take the wrong street, 50 pesos to a moto will eliminate most all uncertainty and get them there safely and quickly.
Point taken, but I never advise guys who are that green to drive themselves anyway. One minor accident which may be not at all their fault and they could find themselves (driver and passengers) spending one or more nights in a Dominican jail and handing over their whole holiday budgets to get out.

04-07-2010, 07:18 PM
Thanks for the info... Gonna have to print out alot of this info and take it with me.

06-15-2010, 10:47 PM
Hmm, that would make for a nice thread.

The Best of Sosua...

-Rent a car (Budget or Europcar)

-Stay at the villas at residencial hispaniola (google it). If you have a large crew and don't want to rent multiple villas, try New Garden Hotel (noisy, fratboyish, but party central for mongers) or Sosua Bay Beach Club (beach view rooms, fairly decent rooms), or Terra Linda (best looking hotel, good pricing, not the best service in the world but reportedly doing much better).

-Drive or walk into town. The club you run smack into is Classico. That's ground zero. Up and down that street at night you'll find most of the evening action.

-During the mid afternoon, go to Passion. Fun, cute girls, cold beer, ok snack foods, all at reasonable (albeit slightly higher than market rate) prices. However, it's bulletproof. I've never had a bad time at Passion.

-Once during the trip, drive to Puerto Plata after 10 p.m., and once you've just gotten into town, ask a moto concho (bike taxi) to guide you to Cristal. All-star lineup, but can get pricey (100 bux for the chica plus drinks at NA club prices).

-At least once during the trip (preferably the first part), go to Big D's BBQ on Sosua beach. Hang out. Listen and learn. You can pick up an awful lot of good info while eating a half slab of what is easily the best BBQ in the DR.

-Try to do an excursion. I recommend the ATV tours through Mel's tour company. A lot of fun, you get to see areas of the island you never would otherwise, and it helps to give you a well-rounded experience (as well as legit photo opportunities).

Some additional advice:

If going with a large group, DO NOT let them turn you into the tour guide. It's a drag.

DO NOT put everything on one tab unless you've eaten with these guys before and you know they're cool paying what they owe.

DO NOT let anybody make you delay for hours on end while they get their shit together. Watching your wingman's back is one thing. Letting someone waste your valuable vacation time is something else entirely.

If everybody happens to be doing the same thing at the same time, cool. Otherwise, keep it down to small groups. It's way easier, especially if you have similar tastes in chicas. It's also more practical as restaurants don't do a very good job of cooking for 14 guys at once.

DO NOT go there without learning some basic Spanish. If you do, and your friends don't, DO NOT be everybody's interpreter. If you spend all your time translating, and none chica chasing, eventually your boy is gonna show up with the chica you had your eye on. Negotiating for someone to smash the chica you really wanted - not cool.

Finally, DO NOT be the full time banker, ombudsman, and overall fixer for your group. Everybody should pitch in, and I mean more than just money. After all, it's your vacation, too.

That's right. With the logistics associated with a large group of dudes, any problems associated with chicas are minute in comparison. DO NOT fall into that trap.

Ok, this post is way longer than I had in mind. Have fun!

Great Insite

07-22-2010, 10:20 PM
Hmm, that would make for a nice thread.

Ok, this post is way longer than I had in mind. Have fun!

You are an awesome guy!!!

07-23-2010, 12:15 AM
Hmm, that would make for a nice thread.

The Best of Sosua...

-Rent a car (Budget or Europcar)

-Stay at the villas at residencial hispaniola (google it). If you have a large crew and don't want to rent multiple villas, try New Garden Hotel (noisy, fratboyish, but party central for mongers) or Sosua Bay Beach Club (beach view rooms, fairly decent rooms), or Terra Linda (best looking hotel, good pricing, not the best service in the world but reportedly doing much better).

-Drive or walk into town. The club you run smack into is Classico. That's ground zero. Up and down that street at night you'll find most of the evening action.

-During the mid afternoon, go to Passion. Fun, cute girls, cold beer, ok snack foods, all at reasonable (albeit slightly higher than market rate) prices. However, it's bulletproof. I've never had a bad time at Passion.

-Once during the trip, drive to Puerto Plata after 10 p.m., and once you've just gotten into town, ask a moto concho (bike taxi) to guide you to Cristal. All-star lineup, but can get pricey (100 bux for the chica plus drinks at NA club prices).

-At least once during the trip (preferably the first part), go to Big D's BBQ on Sosua beach. Hang out. Listen and learn. You can pick up an awful lot of good info while eating a half slab of what is easily the best BBQ in the DR.

-Try to do an excursion. I recommend the ATV tours through Mel's tour company. A lot of fun, you get to see areas of the island you never would otherwise, and it helps to give you a well-rounded experience (as well as legit photo opportunities).

Some additional advice:

If going with a large group, DO NOT let them turn you into the tour guide. It's a drag.

DO NOT put everything on one tab unless you've eaten with these guys before and you know they're cool paying what they owe.

DO NOT let anybody make you delay for hours on end while they get their shit together. Watching your wingman's back is one thing. Letting someone waste your valuable vacation time is something else entirely.

If everybody happens to be doing the same thing at the same time, cool. Otherwise, keep it down to small groups. It's way easier, especially if you have similar tastes in chicas. It's also more practical as restaurants don't do a very good job of cooking for 14 guys at once.

DO NOT go there without learning some basic Spanish. If you do, and your friends don't, DO NOT be everybody's interpreter. If you spend all your time translating, and none chica chasing, eventually your boy is gonna show up with the chica you had your eye on. Negotiating for someone to smash the chica you really wanted - not cool.

Finally, DO NOT be the full time banker, ombudsman, and overall fixer for your group. Everybody should pitch in, and I mean more than just money. After all, it's your vacation, too.

That's right. With the logistics associated with a large group of dudes, any problems associated with chicas are minute in comparison. DO NOT fall into that trap.

Ok, this post is way longer than I had in mind. Have fun!

Extremely well said, that brought back some memories both pleasant and more so unpleasant. 9 of us went to eat at that pasta place Historia or something across from Bar Central before heading west to the beach toward Oh la Vache and Jolly Roger or Brittania whatever.

They only had one table waiting and one already done and yet 20 minutes to order and 40 minutes for food that had 3 wrong orders and half of them sucked.

Planning is important when a place has one cook and one waitress.