View Full Version : DR education authorities to help Haiti

01-26-2010, 04:00 PM
A commission made up by Agripino Nunez Collado, rector of the PUCMM university; Priamo Rodriguez, rector of UTESA university; Ricardo Winter, president of the Dominican Association of Universities; Jose Ramon Holguin Brito, president of the Association of Non-Aligned Universities; Marcos Nunez, president of the Association of Medical School faculties; Angel Hernandez, president of the Dominican Association of Rectors; and UASD deputy rector Maritza Camacho will participate in a commission that seeks to draft guidelines to help Haiti restructure their university system. Higher Education Minister Ligia Amado Melo will chair the commission. The aim is to prepare a plan to train the leaders and workforce Haiti will need in the short and long term.
In an interview in Listin Diario, Deputy Minister of Labor Julio Sanz said that Haiti had lost 300 teachers in one single school collapse. He said that Haiti is going to need engineers, building workers and medical staff. He said that they would need to be trained abroad, while the educational institutions in Haiti are rebuilt. He said that one could not only talk of construction efforts, but of building the people that the nation will need for recovery and development.

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