View Full Version : Lessons learned from a tragedy at sea

01-26-2010, 04:00 PM
The loss at sea of Dominicans Plinio Jacobo and Laura Ricart, and American Robert Wagner and Spaniard Javier Jorge who left Boca Chica on a fishing outing leaves several lessons that pediatrician Jesus Feris Iglesias says should be learned by all, in a column in Hoy newspaper. He makes the point that anyone going out to sea must examine their boat closely and correct any defect it has. Furthermore, in the case of boats with outboard motors, care should be taken that the motors are not bigger than the capacity.
He also writes of the need to know the atmospheric conditions at sea before leaving. He makes the point that fishermen with experience would have known better that a strong north wind made the sea within Boca Chica appeared very calm, but that out at sea strong currents and high waves would be expected.
The third lesson is the need to carry a GPS to mark the boat's position. Once any problem is known this would be reported and search teams would go to that point, to not waste time looking in other areas.
See: www.hoy.com.do/opiniones/2010/1/21/310828/Lecciones... (http://www.hoy.com.do/opiniones/2010/1/21/310828/Lecciones-aprendidas-de-un-lamentable-naufragio)

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