View Full Version : [DR1] Haitians take tourism jobs

07-05-2006, 03:10 PM
The president of the National Frontier Council, Radhamas Batista, has said that Haitians are taking many of the available jobs in the tourism sector. He said that it was alarming that 80% of the workforce in tourist centers like Bavaro and Puerto Plata are Haitian, and this violates the Labor Code, which specifies that 80% of employees must be Dominican and 20% may be foreign. Batista spoke out during the signing of an agreement with the Duarte Institute that will emphasize the historic dates of Dominican history along the frontier, installing monuments and developing a program of conferences, classes, talks and workshops. Batista called the massive immigration of Haitians into the Dominican Republic "part of a policy of laissez faire-laissez passer" with no controls to halt the process. Batista said that this issue was not about migration, but rather the movement of one nation into another, since entire families are crossing the frontier illegally.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#3)