View Full Version : [DR1] Fernandez is received by Emperor Akihito

07-05-2006, 03:10 PM
President Leonel Fernandez and First Lady Margarita Cedeno were received by Emperor Akihito and his wife Empress Michiko at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. The audience lasted for half an hour and Fernandez and the Emperor talked about the Japanese immigrants in the Dominican Republic and how the Dominican Republic can support Japanese trade missions in Latin America. This was the second imperial audience for Fernandez, having been received by Akihito during his first term of office (1996-2000). When the Emperor thanked the Dominican President for the treatment conceded to the Japanese immigrants after the Second World War, Fernandez was pleased to inform the Emperor that the government would be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the immigrants' arrival on 29 July at the National Palace in Santo Domingo.

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