View Full Version : Art treasures lost in Haiti quake

01-27-2010, 05:10 PM
Although the earthquake in Haiti spared the lives of George Nader Sr and his wife, it destroyed a life's work of collecting Haitian art, destroying as many as 12,000 pieces in his huge mansion in the hills. According to El Nuevo Diario, the elder member of the Nader family lost art that was worth between US$30 and US$100 million on the open market. Of the 35-room mansion, only 2 rooms were left standing. Nader Sr, who began collecting in the 1950s, said that neither the paintings nor the building were insured. According to people in the art world, this is a catastrophic loss of precious artifacts that cannot be replaced. Nader is widely acknowledged as someone "with his finger on the pulse" of Haitian art.

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