View Full Version : Five Supreme Court judges to be retired

01-28-2010, 01:40 PM
As per the 2010 Constitution, five judges of the Supreme Court of Justice will need to retire. The new Constitution sets a retirement age of 75. The judges will remain in their posts until they are replaced. The judges who are due for replacement are Margarita A. Tavares, 85; Hugo F. Alvarez Valencia, 86; Julio Ibarra Rios, 75; Juan Luperon Vasquez, 77; Jose Enrique Hernandez Machado, 78; and Pedro E Romero Confesor, 79. First vice president of the Supreme Court of Justice, Rafael Luciano Pichardo will be 75 in July. The National Council of the Magistrates needs to be convened to nominate the new judges.
The ages of the other judges are: Jorge Subero Isa, 62; Ana Rosa Berges de Farray, 66; Eglys Margarita Esmurdoc, 55; Dulce Rodriguez de Goris, 67; Ednilda Reyes Perez and Victor Jose Castellanos Estrella, 59; Edgar Hernaez Mejia, 61; and Julio Anibal Suarez, 67.

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