View Full Version : [DR1] High cost of higher education

07-07-2006, 04:36 PM
Paying for a private university education is becoming prohibitive for middle and lower class students due to the rising costs of tuition and other charges. Costs range from RD$12,000 to RD$35,000 per quarter or semester depending on the university, the course selected and the number of credits. A report by Listin Diario states this explains why Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) has more than half of the college student population in the country, because the credits there cost just RD$6 for Dominican students. At other universities, credits cost from RD$305 to RD$860 and in addition to this, students must pay between RD$2,000 and RD$7,000 for registration. For students coming from many private schools, though, university is a financial break for the parents, as many grade school centers are much more expensive. Now it appears the universities want to catch up with their costs in order to offer better quality of education.

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