View Full Version : [DR1] Pelaez forensic report: no accident

07-07-2006, 04:36 PM
The National Forensic Pathology Institute has reported that Milton Pelaez's death was not accidental in accordance with the scenario in which it took place. The autopsy concluded that the comedian died as a result of hemorrhagic shock caused by a bullet shot at intermediate distance, which entered the right side of his thorax without exit. District Attorney Jose Manuel Hernandez Peguero stated that investigations into the case continue. They are trying to determine whether the wife and stepson of Plutarco Gonzalez, the man who admitted to have shot Pelaez, have anything to do with the case. Judge Elka Reyes sentenced Gonzalez to three months in La Victoria jail while the case is heard. Meanwhile, Gonzalez's defense attorney Miguel Alberto Surun Hernandez has resigned amidst allegations that "private commitments" prevent him from taking on the case.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)