View Full Version : [DR1] Sex at thirteen

07-10-2006, 02:10 PM
According to a recent study, twenty percent of Dominican teenagers become sexually active at the age of thirteen. The study reports that this statistic crosses all social and economic lines, and that this leads to pregnancies that place the young mother's life at risk. Dr. Cesar Lopez Nunez, the Ob-Gyn at the Luis Eduardo Aybar Hospital, told reporters that this is a serious situation and that it is due to a lack of family counseling. Lopez Nunez explained that although the phenomenon occurs across society, the incidence rate is higher among poor families due to a lack of family affection and guidance. The doctor spoke at the presentation of a case study by medical students at the INTEC University that was carried out under his supervision. The study looked at health problems in pregnant teenagers and the complications of childbirth. Dr. Lopez said that of the ten beds that he manages in the hospital, six are occupied by teenage mothers, and most of these suffer from pre-eclampsia as a result of hypertension.

Another study presented at the conference showed that nearly half of sexually active young men between the ages of 17 and 25 admitted using sexual stimulants to enhance their sexual prowess. According to study supervisor Dr Fernando Santamaria, the young men were not aware of the possible adverse side effects, considering the young age they begin to use these drugs.

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