View Full Version : [DR1] Pardoned prisoners back in jail

07-11-2006, 02:10 PM
Approximately 10% of prisoners granted a Presidential pardon during the previous administration (203 out of 2,099) have returned to criminal activities, according to a report by the Attorney General's Department. Diario Libre reports that the inmates in question have engaged in robbery, assault, rape, drug trafficking, illegal possession of firearms, criminal association and other crimes. They were all pardoned between 2002 and 2004. The report indicates that 123 of these felons are back in jail. The AG's Department attributes this recidivism to their inclusion in the Presidential pardon, emphasizing the alleged irregular management of that prerogative made by former AG Victor Cespedes Martinez, who has been indicted by the department for having received money from inmates in return for setting them free.

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