View Full Version : [DR1] Details of a multi-million garden

07-11-2006, 02:10 PM
The contract the Ministry of Public Works awarded to the sole competitor in the "raffle" for the landscaping of the new 500,000 square meter Santiago Park calls for the purchase of fully grown trees. The landscaping won the contract with her proposal to buy trees costing up to RD$35,000 (podocarpus pine). She has budgeted buying royal palms for RD$24,000; ceiba trees for RD$27,000; amapolas for RD$22,000, American oaks RD$22,000; flamboyants RD$12,500; bamboos RD$10,300. The fertilizer to be used will cost RD$11.9 million and the soil for the gardens and landscaping is budgeted at RD$310.8 million. As reported in Diario Libre, Margarita Gomez was awarded the contract as she was the only person willing to pay the RD$300,000 fee the Ministry required to take part in the contest. City residents recall that the city's most impressive parks, planted by landscapers hired under the Balaguer administrations, chose small trees and generations of Dominicans were able to watch these grow.

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