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07-12-2006, 12:10 AM
Millions of Cameroon girls suffer "breast ironing" - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060711/hl_nm/breast_ironing_dc_1): "YAOUNDE, Cameroon (Reuters) - Worried that her daughters' budding breasts would expose them to the risk of sexual harassment and even rape, their mother Philomene Moungang started 'ironing' the girls' bosoms with a heated stone.

'I did it to my two girls when they were eight years old. I would take the grinding stone, heat it in the fire and press it hard on the breasts,' Moungang said.

'They cried and said it was painful. But I explained that it was for their own good.'

'Breast ironing' -- the use of hard or heated objects or other substances to try to stunt breast growth in girls -- is a traditional practice in West Africa, experts say.

A new survey has revealed it is shockingly widespread in Cameroon, where one in four teen-agers are subjected to the traumatic process by relatives, often hoping to lessen their sexual attractiveness.

'Breast ironing is an age-old practice in Cameroon, as well as in many other countries in West and Central Africa, including Chad, Togo, Benin, Guinea-Conakry, just to name a few,' said Flavien Ndonko, an anthropologist and local representative of German development agency GTZ, which sponsored the survey."
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