View Full Version : Legislative session ends today

02-15-2010, 04:10 PM
The extraordinary legislature convened by the Executive Branch ends today, with hundreds of legislative proposals, resolutions, conventions and agreements still pending. These bills will have to be discussed after 27 February when the first ordinary legislative session of the year begins. The ordinary session will feature the innovation of being in session for 150 days (5 months), as approved in the new Constitution. Moreover, it should be noted that the legislative proposals will not expire and this will facilitate their hearings and approval in this session.
During the extraordinary session, the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies heard and voted into law the proposal that regulated the election of the 5 at-large deputies by accumulation of votes, now required by Article 81 of the new Constitution. The Senate also urgently approved the legislation that will allow the National District city council to recover public assets that are in private hands.
For the ordinary session, Congress will undertake consideration of key legislative projects such as the Law on Political Parties and Groups, the Civil Code and the modifications to the Penal Process Code. The legislature will also have to hear reports on proposals such as Social Participation, and one on government propaganda and advertising.
One of the central tasks ahead for the legislature is to draw up, debate and approve the laws that need to be modified in order to conform to the new Constitution and those that have to be created such as one that will regulate the functioning of the Constitutional Tribunal. The legislators will also have to deal with the issue of declaring the cleanup of the Ozama, Isabela and Haina rivers to be of the highest national interest, as well as approving pension proposals and the sale of state properties to private individuals or companies.

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