View Full Version : [DR1] Subero's farewell?

07-12-2006, 03:11 PM
Diario Libre's front page headline today wonders, "The Farewell of Subero?" after the chief justice of the Supreme Court, Jorge Subero Isa chose to use the forum and presence of President Leonel Fernandez and First Lady Margarita Cedeno at the Central Bank auditorium yesterday during the presentation of his newly published book, "Dominican Penal Code Terminology." When addressing the audience, Subero defended his honesty and that of his family. He stated that in his nine years as chief justice he has handled more than RD$9 billion "and never have I been stained with this money."

In his words, he stressed he had given the best of himself as a judge. "I am not here to judge the Penal Procedures Code, but rather to judge according to the Code," he stated.

When referring to judges, he commented that these should not be corrupt in their private lives, but on the contrary should maintain exemplary images. He commented that there is not such a thing as a half honest man. One is either honest or not honest, he stated.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#13)