View Full Version : [DR1] Expected moves for Aristy Castro

07-12-2006, 03:11 PM
Today's page two "Que se dice" column in Hoy newspaper also speculates regarding La Altagracia province senator-elect Amable Aristy Castro's future. The writer uses a term associated with the game of dominos: "capicua" when a player can play either of both moves. The columnist says that Amable Aristy Castro, Higuey's political cacique, now has a choice. Either he takes the Senate seat that he was overwhelmingly voted to hold or he remains as chairman of the Dominican Municipal League (LMD). On the one hand he would be respecting the wishes of his voters, but on the other hand he has established the LMD as the base for his Presidential aspirations. If he turns down the senate seat, this would be the second time he does so. The editorialist says that Aristy Castro holds the LMD job by virtue of his ability to tie political knots in the administration of the funding for all in Dominican cities and towns. Apparently Aristy Castro will wait, like his mentor, Joaquin Balaguer, until the last minute to let his decision be known.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)