View Full Version : [DR1] UASD to get huge new building

07-12-2006, 03:11 PM
The Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, President Leonel Fernandez's alma mater, will get a new, nine-story administration building in 2007. The new tower will cost RD$745 million and, according to Rigoberto Santos Hilario, should be finished by December next year. Santos Hilario is the technical director at the government office that supervises public works. He was speaking as he handed over a RD$88 million check to the Serconsa construction firm. The budget was described in the following way: RD$17 million for excavations, RD$356 million for the construction itself and another RD$372 million for furnishings and equipment. The supervising engineer also told reporters that the excavations had been completed and the second phase would now get underway. Meanwhile, the university administration has been saying that it is facing serious financial problems unless the government repays the RD$88 million the institution says it has spent on the keeping the new library functioning. UASD administrators also say that they need RD$232 million to finish out the school year.

Meanwhile, in another report in the Listin Diario, rector complains that the promised budget appropriation for the operation of the new library has not yet been received.

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